
We all know that’s not as disrespectful as quietly sitting down during the national anthem. Geez.

Is sarcasm a renewable energy source?

I mean, as Jewel said: “As a feminist, I can’t support everything that’s being said tonight, but as somebody who hates Ann Coulter, I’m delighted.”

Good. Fucking. Riddance. Asshole.

Paul Ryan took to Twitter to “call out” Democrats “blocking” this bill. He said “Democrats must finally give up the act and get the job done.”


So...she wanted the relationship to be more Loki.

I’m just going to say this:

It’s a mirrortocracy— they only want to hire their friends and people who look & act like their friends.

Still the best music video ever.

We need to be strong enough to fight it off.

Yep, that’s why no man ever has been raped, no drugs have ever been used to limit people’s ability to fight back, and rape is solely a thing that occurs in a dark alley when a tiny defenseless woman is attacked by a big strong man!

Of course Obama is only concerned about mosque-itoes, not church-itoes or temple-itoes.

The debate over safe spaces, too, has become cartoonized, a shorthand way to complain about privileged millennials

Marry me.

So, according to this chart, cats are the cause of divorce.

A real dickhead....I’ll see myself out.

Followed by:

Everyone is lying here.