
Having taken this professor's class before, I can assure you that his syllabi are typically not "poorly constructed," nor does his idea of the "hierarchy of whiteness" "condemn an entire race of people." What Babout (sic) does in his classes is examine the way the idea of "whiteness" systematically impacts the way

Yeah, they're known for their partying, but they also are pretty well known for their Chicano studies there. I've actually had this professor in a Mexican-American lit class (even if Jezebel did spell his name wrong)—in Texas—and he's amazing.

It's funny how "your rights stop where mine start" is a thing for them...until gun control.

I don't know what state you live in, but I voted on a Sunday afternoon during early voting. In Texas. The voter ID laws no doubt affected the outcome here; the Houston Chronicle was reporting on that pretty hard, but the state did issue free IDs (to those who could go get them) and the polls were open on the weekends

I went through the trouble of finding my key (which is a bigger pain in the arse than you might imagine), just so I could log in and star this.

Correction: Texans in the 1st district voted for him. The rest of us have our own specific nuts currently serving in the HoR. Granted, most of them are Republicans, but I can honestly say my nut (Brady, whom I obvs DIDN'T vote for) isn't nearly as nutty as Gohmert.

It's actress Michelle Williams. :)

Or you could, I don't know, NOT make assumptions and actually talk to the kid before just butting in, calling the cops and causing a fuckton of trouble??

Love how Boehner refers to everyone in his statement as "president," except for the person who is currently filling the position (Mr. Obama vs President Richard M. Nixon). Because, apparently, pandering. #fuckboehner