I always blame it on the bossa nova
I always blame it on the bossa nova
It would explain being with Chris Martin. He’s like the tofu of men.
I used to daydream about meeting a woman who would be excited by seeing that I had some certain book that she liked on my bookshelf (or even by the fact that I have bookshelves lol). Never happened, sadly.
If you’re down in the LA area, Private Vasquez has transitioned from killing Xenomorphs to making bras. https://www.jenettebras.com/about
That’s great! Looks like you’re all set to mount your TV on the wall
I’m so glad that her family finally has answers, although the answers are really shitty. There can’t be anything worse than just not knowing.
Real life Johnathan Schaech is so much better than That Thing You Do! Johnathan Schaech. I forgive you for never decently kissing Liv Tyler.
I really enjoyed the first one, I felt the romantic chemistry was miles ahead of the two in Hunger Games where the guy had all the personality of 3/4" plywood. That scene on the train where he squeezes her hand did make me squeal in real life, thankfully I watched it alone.
The third really highlighted that Roth isn't a great writer. I could never tell whether it was tris or four narrating because their voices were EXACTLY the same.
I hate that the series has gone off the rails. I liked the first Divergent movie more than I liked any of the Hunger Games films. Splitting the last book into two movies is a total money grab. It sucks because you just end up with two bad movies instead of one good movie. They should follow the LOTR trilogy. Trilogies…
I’m with you, I love that goofy movie.
Joe versuses the Volcano is great so your comment doesn't even make sense.
Wait, what has Jeffrey Dean Morgan done? I don’t want him to be an asshole... He just opened a small-town candy shop with Paul Rudd and I like to think about them being all sweet and cute and sorting chocolates together.
Instead of Nashville, check out Spin City. It was a great show before Michael J. Fox left, and the first show where I encountered the great Connie Britton (her character worked in the mayor’s office).
I mean, I’m happy to forget Luke Perry, but damn it, all these years laters I am still asking how funky is your chicken and how loose is your goose. (My goose is totally loose.)
For shit’s sake, Sarah, you can’t erase Kristy Swanson like that. I was introduced to Buffy 23.8 years ago, and gladly.
(I need to be *that person*, though understand that I completely agree with you: it’s TENETS. Tenant played Killgrave.)
Like clockwork, there are articles every year about the drop in ratings, or (at the time) if it made sense to still hold them during wartime. My answer is basically, who cares if you hold them, just don’t televise them, if you’re really that concerned. The Oscars are essentially a professional association or guild’s…