I’ve been watching since the beginning, and I still don’t know what’s been happening on this show for the past five seconds.
I’ve been watching since the beginning, and I still don’t know what’s been happening on this show for the past five seconds.
And Cannon buoys her first-time leading lady by surrounding her with a charismatic love interest and a solid supporting cast, ranging from a frustratingly underused Minnie Driver to a perfectly underused James Corden.
This got a chuckle out of me.
I remember just how fast your average mall had low-quality USA stuff, probably leftovers from July 4th be for sale, along with jingoistic things related more to 9/11, and “kill em all” shirts with Osama on it.
The college kids I work with either don’t remember or weren’t born yet. That’s really sobering for me. I’m also sad they have no idea what things were like beforehand, but many of them seem pretty aware how much they’ve been screwed and are not complacent about anything, which is good.
Documentary was great too, and extremely sad seeing how families dealt with the possibility their loved one was the person who jumped. One family was very Catholic and mostly were in utter denial their father/husband would commit suicide and “leave them” like that. I wanted to be really mad but I just felt bad for…
One of the best essays I’ve read on 9/11 is the Esquire piece on the Falling Man, which also details what you describe as the images quickly vanishing from the coverage. Just a devastating story.
I cut the cord and I don’t know if Sling has natgeo, but I’m not sure if I’d watch even if I knew I had it.
I agree re: Columbine feeling like a Rubicon we crossed as a culture. School shootings felt like true freak occurrences, like a plane crash, which is why 9/11 feels like a similar before/after in terms of our culture transforming. If you told someone pre-Columbine that school shooting drills would become a normal…
I’ve seen and heard more than enough footage I think. The worst of it is some of the phone calls as the towers are falling. And a few shots of the people post-jump. I think it makes me even more mad having seen that and having to talk to people who had zero connections whatsoever to the attacks scream the loudest…
For me I think it was a reflection of post-Cold War arrogance, we felt that nobody could touch us, and even after 9/11 everyone thought we could just take out Iraq and Afghanistan and install democracies just like we did in Japan and Germany.
I know what you’re saying about the before times. In retrospect, from a blinkered North American perspective at any rate, the 90s seem like such an innocent time - American political trauma revolved around blowjobs, for instance, and car chases happened in slow motion. That so much attention could be lavished on…
I was in North Jersey, home from college, right after my freshman year, and out for a run when a car swerved off the road and nearly hit me. I was furious/scared and then confused when the car pulled over and I saw it was a kid I’d gone to grade school/high school with, a guy named Darryl*. I’d always got along with…
Shut down the thread.
So that’s why he’s called Winnie the Pooh.
Like you, I’ve been waiting to learn more about how Allison ended up with Kevin to piece together some clues as to why she has stayed with him for so long and why she doesn’t leave him. I’ve been struggling to stick with the show because of that but after tonight’s episode, I think I see where they’re going and I feel…
I’m really enjoying the hell out of this show. For one thing, it hits really close to home for me for a lot of reasons. (Not least of which being both the number of Allisons I’ve known in my life, and the overwhelming pressure I was under while growing up to become one myself.)
Am I the only one who wants a Ken Burns style documentary on the history of the parental toy brawls?
Lots of black & white photos of people duking it out over Cabbage Patch kids and narrators reading interview accounts of target employees asking “WTF is that about?”
A List of Fictional Characters Ranked by Their Success (or Lack Thereof)
This response pushed my buttons, so I rewrote it.