
The Kris Kobach Kampaign?

If this wasnt all so deathly serious i would find this hilarious. He’s so pathetic and embarrassing. 

White people, just go out and buy a Klan outfit instead of complaining about “political correctness”. The euphemism has become completely transparent and meaningless.

“Being overweight is a choice people make.”

Being overweight is a choice people make.

As someone who has struggled with their weight since childhood, while I’m sure nicknames like “Hefty Lefty” and “Pillsbury Throwboy” seem harmless and were probably laughed off in public by Lorenzen, they hurt, and play a larger role in him eating his way to 500 lbs than anyone is acknowledging. For some reason,

I just want to burn it all the fuck down.  

Must be nice. Feel like a tough guy, do whatever you want, screw it up royally, not get punished, get the same sort of case and screw it up to the point there’s two dead, and what? Meh. Go home and sleep in your bed with a clear conscience, I’m sure. Cuz accountability for cops is often a laughable concept. Nobody

Throw milkshakes at it.

I feel the same when when I hear people say about America “We’re better than this” when no, we’re really not and never have been.

A grown man attacks a 13 year old boy and cops are like “Well I don’t see a crime here.”

This is the other problem with the 24 hour news cycle: talking heads have to stay “edgy” and “provocative” even when things aren’t. So you get morons like Chris Matthews slinging any stupid question he can at a wall and hoping something goes viral or gets a rise out of his interviewee.

I think it's in Three Corinthians

If you don’t mind, I’m gonna steal that as a response for just basically anything conservatives say these days. If you do, well I don’t care, I’m taking it anyways.

I wouldn’t be so sure about that. I paid $400 for a Razorback Sucker just this past weekend. 

The team is right though. It is slang for an erection.

At this point, I simply don’t care. Burn it all down and start anew.

America sucks.

I realize I’m spamming here, but this is how it starts. A poor woman of colour outside a dollar store. Some day they will come for the lower middle class single white woman who miscarried because she couldn’t afford to work only one job while hella pregnant.