
they’re going to unveil three bulldozers named “mid-east” “peace” and “plan” aren't they?

Sanders probably makes the Kohl’s cashier honor Target coupons.

Yada yada yada, no collusion 

White catholic mom endorses Sharia Law

I thought that was Trey Gowdy from the picture at first

Kraft really under the gun to find someone with good hands

Until the end of time

so NOW Kraft thinks he can beat this thing himself 

RIP anyone near Meghan McCain 

Not once during the movie did my jaw drop to the table making the cutlery jingle with my eyes protruding out 3 feet while making and audible “awwwoooooga” sound 

I bet he doesnt even own a TV

The only thing Meghan McCain would Passover is a chance to tell someone she’s John McCain’s daughter.