
Hey - sorry my gifs aren't as good as you'd like! I'm limited by two things: The need to keep them ~4MB, since I don't want to overload people's browsers or the site, and my own still-in-progress giffing skills. I've gotten better at making gifs than I was a year ago, but I still have plenty to learn—I'm a writer, not

Please add Ness... and his bicycle :)

be sweet if it could do. NEW RECIPES! NEW SETTINGS!

If a company sold a shovel that didn't dig, that company would cease to exist. Yet here we are, getting screwed launch after launch, and letting it happen.

It does not. I have not tested this at all. It does not.

I came into Destiny intending to avoid everything except the PvP. I've had enough of the MMOG grind, even the "healthy" kind, to say nothing of the kind of deviance demanded by cave- and respawn-farming. This was an easy enough resolution to maintain throughout the trip from level 2 to 20, but now that I've found

I'd like to share a conspiracy theory with you. Now, now, don't leave the room... I can back this one up with the coldest and hardest facts. Titans control the media; I mean this quite literally. If an enemy Titan throws down a Ward of Dawn ("bubble") Super on Zone B when you're playing Control, she controls the

I came into Destiny intending to avoid everything except the PvP. I've had enough of the MMOG grind, even the "healthy" kind, to say nothing of the kind of deviance demanded by cave- and respawn-farming. This was an easy enough resolution to maintain throughout the trip from level 2 to 20, but now that I've found

This would be completely true, if he was writing an essay for you. Which he isn't, it's a blog post about a video game, and his opinions on the multiplayer.


Holy crap. This is an amazingly in depth review of the game compared to some of the other reviews of destiny I have seen.

Zer0 was an amazing sniper. One path totally dedicated to it. The only thing I missed was bloodwing.

"We can't stop here. This is adamantoise country!"

Hunter for three reasons:

Damn this part of the game...

Whats a Nubian?

Fucking tracer.

Shared this with a friend from across the country who actually works at a comics shop and also happens to be black, and has many amusing stories about casual nerd racism. He had a pretty good comment I'm going to paraphrase here.

Him: "Okay, so if my shop had a room that everyone called 'dead nigger storage', think

To everyone saying it is just a joke: That's the point.