
It is absolutely horrifying to think that there is a middle school teacher who has no ideas other that corporal punishment for addressing poor behavior. Did you receive no training at all?

Here we are in 2020, the richest country in the world, with large safe borders (no invading armies coming). With peaceful relations with our neighbors, with the 4th largest land area of any country, with the 3rd largest population in the world, with a dynamic high tech sector, and plenty of space for growth and

Alternate answer, its because King George is the best character in Hamilton and this song is top three in the show easy.  He gets these ridiculous stage walk ons, several good songs and the best line in the whole show. To prove my love I will kill you all. Jonathan Groff is having a ball and why shouldn’t he? He’s got

I am well aware of that. I have no problem with Muslims who choose to wear the Burkha, not am I going to support people who deliberately provoke Muslims by behaving badly.

Oh absolutely. The scam doesn’t work unless you got people who want to believe it’s true.

Same goes for Thom Tillis, who we’re coming after in North Carolina.

Removing Jesus from churches? Disruption of the nuclear family?

I trace it back to being raised without empathy, and I trace a LOT of that (sorry good religious people) back to that hardcore religious upbringing. The evangelical shit, as well as a lot of Catholic dogma (among many others), would have nothing to stand on if getting into heaven wasn’t about being BETTER than other

The former astronaut whose wife was actually INTERACTING WITH CONSTITUENTS in Tucson at the time she was shot in the head. Unlike McSally, who literally spent an entire term hiding from those same constituents.

I can’t wait to not vote for her again.

The issue with McSally was that female US servicemembers in Saudi Arabia were being forced to wear garb that conformed with the host country standards - which some would call courtesy, but which I call horseshit in cases where the servicemember is not visiting as a tourist but as a requirement for their job.

I gotta imagine the ass-bag things that come out of her mouth don’t help when she’s running against the Big Damn Hero astronaut that’s married to Big Damn Hero Gabby Giffords.

I knew from day one Trump was a fucking moron unfit to run a child’s birthday let alone the country. But I also — stupidly, it seems — believed he’d tone down his schtick and also that the day-t0-day running of the government would essentially fall on Ivanka and Jarred who (lol) I believed had some measure of

...code for “I don’t like it when people are clearly smarter than me.”

Speaking as a white suburban women to other white suburban women: this is a good trend, but plenty of you still need to stop being assholes. Even if you’re bigoted enough to ignore this party’s depredations on other races and identities and...well, everyone who’s not Platonic white and suburban, even if you’re

“I don’t know, I like _____, I just feel like he’s somebody I could have a beer with” is code for “I don’t like it when people are clearly smarter than me.”

“I’m a suburban, college-educated woman, so this is my demographic,” McSally said. “I’ve given my life to serve others, to break barriers for others...”

Martha McSally is going to be remembered as one of the biggest fails in Senate history. There hasn’t been a Democratic Senator from Arizona in 25 years, until Krysten Sinema beat McSally outright in 2018. Then Doug Ducey tried to make her feel like notaloser by giving her John Kyle’s old seat, and now Mark Kelly is

If there’s anything that 2000, 2004, and 2016 taught me is never to trust the white American voter.

‘There is nothing, Lady Galadriel’, said Gimli, bowing low and stammering. ‘Nothing, unless it might be - unless it is permitted to ask, nay, to name a single strand of your hair, which surpasses the gold of the earth as the stars surpass the gems of the mine. I do not ask for such a gift. But you commanded me to

I’ve long thought the proper response to the Lost Cause racist fucks and their statues of the CSA pantheon is to leave Lee or Jackson or Bedford Forrest standing but raise a matched set of Sherman and Grant at least three times the scale flanked by some United States Colored Troops Medal of Honor winners as color