
I love both shows so much. Bojack might be a bit better but I give the edge to crazy-ex because it’s my dream show: a Jewish theatre geek with anxiety? HI! They are both so extraordinary and important, though.

Yea, Crazy-Ex is my obsession and there are a LOT of similarities between the shows. Vox ran a good piece awhile back how they are letting women be complex and nuanced and depressed.

YES yes yes. Crazy Ex Girlfriend is one of my absolute favorite shows right now just generally but is also up there like equal to Bojack for depiction of mental illness and what it feels like.

Bojack in this season has a bit/lot of something of all my favourite series. I am totally for the 30 rock wordplay btw.

It’s strange how you can be waiting for something and not know you’re waiting on it. Sitting and watching this with my girlfriend, she turned to me and asked if this is what it was like for me all the time. It was such a weird question, because I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for such a long time that it

I’m getting the soundtrack in my Special Edition package, and I think there are some tracks on YouTube already. Might be worth a look, but I can always get back to you when I can give it a listen.

I seem to recall that the game used music to help distinguish its different areas. The cavernous areas were ambient, but when you got near a save point or a major item, you’d get more conventional BGM.

Hell yes to “Limp”. “Get Gone” is another good one. She has some excellent take-down songs.

CHVRCHES fan here, and boy am I glad “Leave a Trace” isn’t about me. “Take care to bury all that you can / Take care to leave a trace of a man.” Would not want to be her lover scorned D:

Fiona Apple’s “Regret” - if just for the lyric: “Now when you look at me, you’re condemned to see / The monster your mother made you to be.”That line always makes me squirm.

My return to No Man’s Sky has stuck. I’ve actually engaged with base building for the first time, and I’m following the new story whenever I get the hankering for a more structured experience. The Atlas quest is a little bugged now, so it’s taking me twice as long as it should because I have to jump through a few

Now playing

Final Fantasy IV was probably the first time I came across an unwinnable battle. And I think FFIV did a pretty good job of introducing the trope. The first time it happens is when Rydia summons Titan. As soon as Titan attacks, the battle screen fades away and it goes right into a cut-scene. There’s no “fake game


My friend was over at my place the other weekend and he started playing Bloodborne...and promptly stopped playing it once he dies to the werewolf that he is supposed to die to (so the game can introduce you to the Hunter’s Dream and how death works). He was literally one loading screen from the next part of the game,

As a rule, Bojack Horseman has been using the last episodes as sort of set-up episodes for the next season. It follows that they would go for the biggest artistic statements and dramatic moments in the penultimate episodes.

Bursting into tears whenever you happen to hear Oberhofer on the radio or when someone mentions wanting to be an architect are just two of the pains of loving BoJack Horseman.

Right, but I think the idea is that Judy only came into this dimension due to the atom bomb detonation.

And they’re colour coded!