
The Scott Pilgrim joke is similar to the vegan joke. "I'm a super vegan, I eat not the flesh nor the ovum of anything that has a face."

My God Natasha Lyonne is such a charming, naturally funny person. Her interactions with the queens in Untucked were so much fun

The last three games in the series have had really great stories, actually. I mean, not like...literary masterpieces or anything, but stories that lean into the fun of the whole “ultra-violent kung fu movie with magical beings and demi gods” angle.

Yeah, the characters are still gorgeous, fit women, but the difference is now their costumes actually look like something a badass ninja warrior would actually wear rather than the stripper outfits from MK9.

Yes, thank god. I actually like online multiplayer in fighting games, but eventually it seems like I plateau in my skill level. I don’t know why it seems like every other player I face online is the type of person to study hit boxes, frames in animations, and memorize 30 hit combos.

I’m glad to see Jade is back, but sad we had to lose Mileena in the process. When is the original female ninja trio gonna be back together in one game?

His score for Hyper Light Drifter is one of my favorites for a recent-ish video game. Since most modern AAA game developers trend towards fully orchestrated or more pop/rock soundtracks, or soundtracks with licensed songs, I’m glad some are keeping the chiptune aesthetic alive.

I was lucky enough to get tickets for Carly Rae Jepsen, but I know those sold out pretty quickly as well.

The scalper bots ravaged the sale of her Denver show tickets, so I’m out of luck. :(

It’s a shame that an opportunity to bring a Latino folktale some mainstream attention just ends up as a forgettable, generic Conjuring-verse snooze.

Bobby, bloodied and sweaty: Here’s a goddamned newly renovated and completely decorated house that I did in a couple of days.

Hey, he really stepped his game up in season 3, cooking actual dishes now. Besides, being adorable is its own skill. <3

Anytime there was a scene of him shirtless or in loose-fitting pajamas in Ex Machina, I got much pleasure in reminding myself that real-life Oscar Isaac is not a manipulative, douchebaggy robot designer/programmer and thus it was okay for me to be into it.

The fact that Oscar Isaac is in this but I can’t bask in his handsomeness is a tragedy.

Okay, so why was Scarlet’s lip-synch reveal outfit better than her runway? Backwards, sis! It was very Jenny Lewis and I loved it.

...I now wanna see a cathartic Wendy vs. Cartman style playground brawl between Carlson and...I dunno, Rachel Maddow? Literally any woman? Even if it’s a shitbag woman like Tomi Lahren?

Yeah, I was unsure what he meant by that. Did he mean they went to watch the drag show as entertainment, which would be fine, or did he mean they were gawking at the clientele of the bar, which would not be fine? I dunno.

Yeah, it definitely seems like he’s prone to fetishizing trans women. I mean, in the bedroom, as long as it’s consensual between all parties, all bets are off, but in the real world, I really hope he heeds the advice given to him here and treats trans women as individuals and respects their comfort level

Three words: Carly. Rae. Jepsen.

Marina’s always been my favorite of the “cynical female pop star” genre of the last decade or so, but her recent tracks have lacked the cynicism that defined a lot of her older lyrics.