
Honestly, just check out a season of Ru Paul’s Drag Race. Seasons 5 and 6 seem like they would be great starting places.

Trixie has quickly become my favorite queen from the Drag Race pantheon, and I’m firmly in her camp for All Stars 3. For a queen with so much talent and wit, I’m sure the added boost of confidence and success will make her a delight to watch.

Also want to mention that any RPDR fans hungry for more should really check out The Boulet Brother’s Dragula series on YouTube. Season 2 just started a few weeks ago. It’s like RPDR on budget, but with a great punk/horror flavor underneath.

It’s not a majority Asian cast, but anyone who does want to see more Asian actors in leading roles should be watching season 2 of The Exorcist. That show is criminally underwatched. :(

I grew pretty tired of CS’s defense that they were mixing legitimate film criticisms, continuity errors, etc. with jokes being made by an “asshole critic character.” Those two approaches sound great on their own, but why combine them both in the same video? It just dilutes the effectiveness.

The joke that Dr. Runningstream was both Indian and “Indian” was kind of odd, but I think it worked. Given that Apache Justice was established as tone deaf with regards to race from the get go helped the joke land

The credits scene had my sides splitting. Fred Armisen in a gray wig excitedly yelling “Yeah! You’re doing it, you’re wobbling!” in a bad Aussie accent with a room full of kids wobbling poster was just level upon level of absurd, which this show is so good at.

Admittedly, I haven’t played a game in this series since Black Flag, which was another entry that changed just enough of the Assassin’s Creed-by-numbers formula that I really enjoyed it. This review makes it sound like this may be another entry in the series it may be worth it for me to check out.

Any decision that results in less Andrea Martin my life is the wrong decision. :(

I’m gonna try to get caught up tonight so I can comment on tomorrow’s review properly, but so far, what I’m really wondering if the glitchy, ADHD editing from the Future timeline is just a meta joke about Karen Grisham’s editing style, or a clue/foreshadowing about a plot point.

I’ll admit, I’m a couple of episodes behind, (only finished episode 3 last night), but at least so far I haven’t found the Duluth 1987 scenes depressing. Or at least not more depressing than the “Duluth” scenes from season 1.

HZD is plagued by the issues most open world games have, but I actually found it a breath of fresh air coming off The Witcher 3 (which, for the record, I also enjoyed, it was just feeling old after 100+ hours) thanks to engaging and difficult combat. I mean, nothing I did in The Witcher 3 felt as amazing as finally

There’s also the fact that as cruel as Rebecca’s comments were to her friends, there was a kernel of truth in all of them with the exception of Valencia, and they’ve all displayed a bit of self awareness in recognizing that.

I was watching that last scene through gritted teeth. Oof. The show has previously shown Rebecca flirting with suicidal thoughts (staring at the shards of glass during “You Stupid Bitch” and her run to the cliffside in last season’s finale), but I was really shocked to see her go through with it. I really hope “I need

I love all of the Karen Grishams, but my fondness for anything Jenny Slate does puts Life Coach Grisham in my #1 spot.

Pure fanservice, but the boat ride in Mother 3 with notable objects and vehicles from Earthbound while “Pollyanna” plays is a delight.

I keep reading that SD3 is the pinnacle of the series, but Final Fantasy Adventure, Secret of Mana and even Legend of Mana are all good if flawed games.

Even though I’ve yet to finish Persona 5, the Blood and Wine DLC of Witcher 3, or even start Bloodborne, it’s a bit odd that I decided to replay Secret of Mama, but there you go. I’m near the end, actually, having just visited the Mana Tree in the Pure Lands. I think I might try out Seiken Densetsu 3 next, as I’ve

Well, I think the idea is that since your social stats cross over, you’re not meant to “max” everything until your New Game+ since you won’t need to spend any time studying, taking baths, eating a restaurants, etc. But given the length of this game, that’s a pretty tall order.

What really sticks out to me is totally-not-Catholicism religion from the video game Breath of Fire 2. It’s not particularly original or nuanced, but it was maybe the first piece of media I ever consumed that was critical of religion and blind faith, so that’s why it stuck with me.