
Good point. I guess I remember SSFII more personally since it was the version I had and Cammy was my favorite character (and still is).

But why pick Street Fighter II Turbo over Super Street Fighter II? Same game, plus four more characters and stages, or am I missing something?

No Chrono Trigger, no sale.

Man, I am so utterly utterly behind on all of this. The only 2017 game I've even played is Persona 5. I'm still trying to catch up on games from 2-5 years ago.

Do you see him? Do you think a depressed person could make this?

My favorite episode of the series, for sure. The scene at the arena with the Gloria Estefan song…easily top 5 funniest Tv scenes of all time for me.

I'm playing on controllers (on PS4). But even with joysticks and rumble and all the controller gimmicks, the combat does feel more airy than Arkham City, so it's not just you.

Hmm, yeah, I guess you're right about the magic. Once you start leveling up the signs, they do start getting different and interesting effects, but "insubstantial" is the perfect word to describe how they feel. They feel more like distractions you use to bide some time rather than all-out offensive magic.

I'm playing The Witcher 3. At level 14, in Novigrad trying to find Dandelion. Can I just say how refreshing it is to play an open-world game with sidequests that have actual writing? I love how every contract you take on is its own little vignette with twists and turns.

Except for Super Metroid, in which they made her look like Claudia Schiffer in the most 1994 swimsuit, err I mean, spacesuit ever.

Yeah, I have to agree, part of what makes a Metroid game feel like a Metroid game is that sinister, isolated and claustrophobic feeling…which is of course appropriate for an underground maze in a hostile planet. Looking at icons and waypoints on a map would be completely wrong for that.

I was one of those naysayers who really didn't get it when I first saw Metroid Prime. I was wrong, wrong, wrong though. They captured the feeling of a Metroid game perfectly in spite of a whole change in gameplay.

*gives nonchalant hand wave to the race of space moths she just saved as she exits room*

Yeah, maybe that's it. The menus ARE really ugly and clunky, now that you articulated what's so off about them.

This is good to know. I'm only about 5 or so hours in, but I'm finding myself strapped for cash.

I missed the WAYPTW thread, but I've finally started the Witcher III after weeks of saying I was going to start it. It's great so far, but one of my least favorite aspects of open-world RPGs is inventory management. It's like, yeah, I know I need to pick up all this weak-ass gear because I need gold, but it gets

Titus's story this episode was hilarious. It is a little weird how you come to associate certain names with a certain age group and/or generation. Imagine 50 years from now when suddenly we have all these Grandma Ashlees and Peepaw Chads. That's a strange thought, isn't it?

I mean, but we all agree this song probably would have been better if Kylie Minogue had sang it, right? Cathy Dennis, who previously co-wrote Minogue's "Can't Get You Out of My Head" sent Kylie the demo, but it was turned down.

Good point. Maybe only if they make eye contact or something. And other Boos that behave differently, like the Boos that swoop down from the ceiling in the Super Mario World ghost houses.