
My brother and sister called me Bonk when I was small because I had a big head.

Anyone remember the old FFVI ads, with adorable little Mog standing in front of a crowd of vicious monsters, then you turn the page and they're all piles of ashes and he's untouched? I remember that ad vividly, so I guess that's a testament to the appeal of Moogles.

Heh, yeah, she also slept for a good two weeks or so in my game. Was wondering if her muscles had atrophied once she finally woke up.

Good advice! I'll try this out next time.

Hey, I can certainly understand your point of view. The main campaign of B:I really does end on a pretty cynical note. While I kind of like it, I can also understand why others would hate it.

Definitely my favorite vigor, just as Swarm of Bees was the best plasmid in the first two games. <3

Was it from the torture scene? 'Cause I was practically watching that between my fingers, ughh

Congratulations on your wedding. Vivan los novios!

I understand. I'm actually pretty terrible at FPS games, but there are a few of them that I like anyway. I find that I'm so disoriented in first-person when it comes to finding out who is shooting you from where. I spend so much time flailing around trying to find who's shooting me that by the time I finally start

I finished Bioshock Infinite earlier this week, including Burial at Sea. I don't know if I will be able to think of "La Vie en Rose" as romantic anymore…

That would totally work on me, Senator Warren is a bad ass.

I feel odd that I'm a 33 year old single man and I've never gone on a date from an app. Or even hooked up with someone from an app. I've even had Grindr and Scruff on my phone for years. Why do I have them?

I guess I wonder where this show is planning on going for season 2 and beyond.

Ugh, Serena Joy. Intentionally, I'm sure, I was reminded of the Tomi Lahrens of the world, people who are perfectly happy to be complicit or even directly partake in the dehumanization and marginalization of other groups, then are surprised when it happens to them.

Well, I understand that to a degree. I come from a large Mexican family who are mostly devout Roman Catholics, and while that's not a 1:1 comparison here, it certainly came with a pressure to behave a certain way and stressed the importance of family. I guess my experiences in life have just left me less willing to…I

Man, I must confess, I really don't get this line of thinking, like, at all. Full disclosure, my parents are assholes who I barely speak to, so I guess it's all about perspective here, but I would never feel bad about violating someone else's dietary restrictions. Even if I was on amicable terms with my parents

I'm not the only one who laughed out loud at the "Only God Can Judge Me" musical cue and scene, right?

Not for me, really. She pulled out a few great runways at least

Farrah Moan is the Eeyore of Drag Race. That's all I could think about during her farewell interview.

Oh man, I love Lito and his onesie and his puppy dog eyes. I love that the stoic badass action hero and the chiona actor have something to teach each other about perspective and acknowledging your own emotions.