
I'm gonna have to play the second one eventually, because the first is so inventive and fun and represents what Nintendo is capable of when they're at their best. My roommate is moving out next weekend, and thus, taking his Wii U with him. I'm trying to decide if I want to pick up a Wii U of my own on the cheap, or

I could never quite get the rhythm thing in Mother 3 down. I assumed that since I was playing on an emulator, there must have been a bit of lag that prevented me from being able to get it right.

Gotta give it to Weekend, which is not only my favorite romance film, but one of my favorite films period.

Yeah, it's amazing how that Shovel Knight DLC straight up changes the way you have to play the game completely. Gotta hand it to Yacht Club for their downright charitable approach to DLC for this game, I'm really looking forward to the Specter of Torment DLC out later this year.

In the original LoZ, I always hated the giant rooms that were just filled to the brim with Dark Nuts. The fact that you can only hit them from the side or the back, coupled with having to dodge so many of them while they also move at a constant pace meant I usually end up losing lots of hearts in those rooms.

I…mostly finished Super Mario Galaxy. I mean, I got all 120 Power Stars, but then I saw that you get to do the whole thing again as Luigi. I was like "…nah." I have to say though, a few of those later galaxies were surprisingly tough for a Mario game. The hardest star for me was the "Luigi's Purple Coins" star,

Thanks for sharing your experience. Good to know that what I feel is potentially a real problem and confirm for me that I should seek treatment. You know how it is when you doubt your own feelings? "Those are just normal feelings of doubt that everyone feels, no need to make a big deal out of it!"

Glad someone can relate. Therapy actually sounds like the next step I should take.

After a couple of recent semi-romantic relationships that kind of fizzled out before they really took off, I'm starting to wonder if I have some mental hangup I need to work through with regards to romance and sex. I like the idea of romance and sex, but in reality when it comes down to it, I have way more anxiety

Every Petra/Jane scene this episode was gold. I love seeing those two barely tolerate each other but respecting each other's strength.

She must've been reading Steven's Sailor Moon manga.

I'm just here for the music, I really didn't mean to turn you on

Still having a blast with Super Mario Galaxy, but man, those levels that require use of motion controls suuuuuck. Thankfully there aren't very many, but the Super Monkey Ball-like level you need the green star to access. Holy cow, that was tough

I agree with you. The most recent episode actually directly calls out Katie's behavior and the rest of her family straight-out tell her she's acting selfishly when she's eager to move.

Frankly, I like this show simply for the little girl who plays Anna Kat. She's adorable, weird, and it's relatively rare to see a child character with a mental disorder.

Eat fermented shark meat?

To be fair, she actually was on an episode of Broad City as well. She was the officiant in the dog wedding episode.

I knew a guy in college who was always sleeping in class. We always joked that he was a lazy stoner. I saw him years later, and he was diagnosed with narcolepsy. Whoops!

I really do love that movie. I think it kind of gets passed over as silly fluff, and it is, but I just really love the message of learning to live for yourself and define what happiness means to you rather than what others expect of you.