Agree 100%. Is Kylie Minogue still hitting that? Because, damn, get it girl.
Agree 100%. Is Kylie Minogue still hitting that? Because, damn, get it girl.
This is a good plan. Putting it down for now may refresh my desire to truly finish everything in the game.
I'm thinking of jumping ship on Final Fantasy X HD. I'm not sure. I've done just about everything, but Tidus's Sun Sigil (damn that Chocobo racing game! It sucks!) and the superbosses (all of the Dark Aeons except Valefor and Ifrit, which I have defeated, plus any of the original conquests in the Monster Arena), and…
Don't mind IF I DO!!
This is what's always bugged me about her characterization post-FFVII. They've made her into another saintly white mage character, when in the original game, she was saucy and confident with a little bit of a wild side. Don't forget it was HER idea to dress Cloud in drag and pretend to be prostitutes to sneak into Don…
Ah, interesting.
"You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet" (City of the Ancients) was always my favorite. I loved the minimalism and the mysterious atmosphere.
Yeah, we really need to ask the developers about minor transliteration errors instead of literally anyone who knows two languages that use two different alphabets. That's real deep journalism.
Square's localization teams at the time were notoriously pressed for time and understaffed, which is why so much of it is inconsistent, and so many errors like "Aeris" and "Esuna" were made. Hell, in Final Fantasy VI, the spell "Meltdown" was translated as "Merton" on the SNES version. This is also why FFVII has…
Why would they ask questions we already know the answer to?
Not really related, but I just happen to be listening to the Cibo Matto album Stereotype A as I read these comments, and as I read your comment, the singer came on chanting the word "Stereotype" over and over. It was kind of creepy.
I like the part about Uematsu expressing jealousy over the Suikoden soundtrack. I know exactly what he means, I remember thinking the Suikoden midi patches sounded incredibly close to real-life instruments.
Well, that song's influence is all-encompassing. The lunch I ate today was inspired by "Hoochie Mama."
Have you seen Final Fantasy: Dissidia in action? I have reservations about Tetsuya Nomura as a designer, but he did an excellent job translating Amano's artwork into characters that work well in a 3D space. The models of Terra, Kefka and Firion especially are really nice.
Ah, so it's more like an article pop quiz. ;)
I can agree with overrated, but I still think it's a great game, and its significance isn't overstated.
I played the Polygon trivia game that the article links to and was annoyed by the question that asks what was the inspiration behind "One-Winged Angel." The quiz's correct answer is Stravinsky's Rite of Spring, but that is so blatantly false (well…maybe false isn't the right word; maybe that was an inspiration, but…
You and I had the same exact idea. Except I don't know German, so mine is probably bs.
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