Plague Lovers

Thanks to our constant influx of mid-westerners, the GOP here is fiercely aware they have already lost the demographics war, and it will only get worse.

I love it, too, don’t get me wrong. It’s my second-favorite book of all time, and the beginning of my lifelong love of King and the end of the world.

I’m guessing you typed that message on your #IncelPhone

Certainly better than Laura San Giacomo, one of many, many, poor casting choices in the original.

Stu was held in two government facilities. First the CDC in Atlanta then another in Stovington, VT. His escape from the degrading situation in Stovington is one of the scariest scenes in the book.

“That brown soun’ do get aroun’!”

To be fair, the book is much the same. The first 200 pages are among the greatest I’ve ever read. The middle 750 are pretty good. The last 200 are, well, King-y.

Needs more cowbell.

our planet is still on the verge of destruction

There’s gotta be a German word for this combination of sad and gross with a pinch of nostalgia and a sprinkling of porta-potty.

Who doesn’t love an orgy of self-parody?

Oh yeah. You know he’s packing a Keitel.

I look at King as two halves of his career, with the midpoint circa ‘95. Almost all his greatness is in that first half.

To be fair, no one has asked for any King novels since the end of The Dark Tower.

Well, Reagan should have gone to prison, too. 


You can grab my pussy but you can’t grab my guns.™

Totally stupid, and absolutely true. 

Some acts of creation are more profound than others.

They can’t be deprogrammed. These are the same people who think Ronald Reagan is the greatest man who ever lived.