Plague Lovers

Avatar is the only work Sam Worthington can get.

Time travel all you want, but that movie is the most 1991 thing ever, except of course for the Guns N’ Roses Use Your Illusion albums, inextricably linked with T2.

You will be able to smell the gin on dad’s breath, except it will only be gin if your drunk dad drinks gin. If your drunk dad is a scotch guy, or even a girl-drink-drunk, that’s what you will smell! And even the argument will be customized to fit your own traumatic childhood experience!

Ditto on Aliens. The only timeless thing he ever made.

You and this guy have a lot in common.

If you get turned into a pez dispenser it will be the direct result of your monumental ignorance.

Umm.... no.

Methinks the clicks doth not flow freely today.

Because you are making a tremendously dumb argument.

Brexit is Trump. Trump is Brexit.

Besides the history of western civilization, dumbass.

Simmons has always been at war with that cloud.

You are not good enough at this to be doing this.

Only if you respond.


A nice idea... if you want civil war.

I get it now and am suitably ashamed of not getting it the first time.

That is so unfair.

The truth in your words makes me wanna take the longest walk off the shortest pier.