I suppose it depends on if you care about military history.
I suppose it depends on if you care about military history.
#thick #dullard #moredensethananeutronstar
If they are allowed to gain another level they will learn “Rectal Prolapse of Doom” and then we are truly fucked.
Of the many crimes this administration has committed, the worst is that they murdered satire.
Along with every other Confederate officer.
I believe it is possible to express admiration for Lee and other Confederate officers for their tactical and strategic prowess without necessarily being a lost-cause-loving racist...
Dog people are not people people, that’s for sure.
Were they kidnapped from the set of “The Whitest Kids U Know”?
The only situation in which blackface is theoretically acceptable (from my perspective as dumb white man) is if it is clearly in the service of lampooning racists. However, that line is so thin now that I don’t think anyone can pull it off.
Don’t you mean your “regular Hitler” costume?
KD was cooler before he had a personality.
Agreed. That word should never be used to describe a woman, no matter how much you despise her professionally or personally.
This is the most America ever.
Venezuela’s oil is average at best. We already produce the best quality light sweet crude oil in the world.
We do not have the largest oil reserves in the world, we aren’t even in the top ten, but we are the world’s leading oil producer. More than Saudi Arabia. More than Russia. Oil prices are falling right now because of glut on the market. More oil wouldn’t do shit for us right now.
Sure, we want it, but as the leading oil and natural gas producer in the world we cannot use pursuit of it as justification.