Still gives me the chills, every time.
Still gives me the chills, every time.
Let’s not forget that high tax rate paid for one of the greatest infrastructure projects in human history, the interstate highway system.
Sometimes he resembles this guy:
Splat thyself.
Yeah but what’s the KKKK?
+1000 punch cards
Sieging for Jebus!
So are 90+% of every musician/artist/creative type you can think of.
watch out for those two nasty nazi cars close behind!
From about 91-93, GNR was my favorite band in the world.
Disingenuity for the sake of irritating others is a crime against humanity.
The tomato method is designed to produce maximum irritation.
I have it on good authority from a firsthand source that Derrick Rose has an IQ of about 80.
Smart drug couriers carry many smells with them. For instance a cheeseburger wrapper will make a dog forget all about non-delicious smells.
True story - that dad was a dead ringer for my dad, from whom I did indeed learn about drugs via clandestine observations.
In fact, John Wall’s season-ending injury is the new pizzagate.
That’s tomato. Disengage.
Goddamn Plumlees everywhere.
Yeah but Eric Snow had a Grit rating of 99.