Plague Lovers

Friendly idiot > Cruel idiot

It’s gotta be the peanuts.

Perhaps you are not aware of this, but you are clearly the shithead in this situation.

claiming that Jewish identity is predicated on political fidelity to the modern state of Israel is fundamentally anti-Semitic

His monumental error in judgment gives me no discomfort.

The best Clash record!

Never trust a man with the Eiffel Tower tattooed on his face.

My favorite way to shut up a moron complaining about Islam is to list the prophets.


Just single-minded, dunder-headed zeal with a side of saber-less rattling.

That wasn’t a full Shammgod.

M&W always get a star from me, regardless of context.


Bob Uecker would have a great, self-deprecating joke about this, at the very least demonstrating his understanding of the term, “margin of error”.

You protest voted for Trump yet you do not believe in a thing that actually happened yet was misrepresented?

No amount of subversion or fraud can stop the GOP from dying here in NC. What McCrory and the tea party did was put a dirty bandaid on their gaping demographic wound.

You could just do your own blog or something.

All those teams tanked for years to get high draft picks, without which they never would have won.