Plague Lovers

This is the first honest thing to come out of a Trump’s mouth in quite some time.

The L is for all of us, unfortunately.

How you got ungreyed is the greatest mystery since D.B. Cooper.

Sugar does not cause gout*.

I think the Vikings’ ridiculous 3rd down defense deserves a bit of the credit. 

Rich Liberals: Everyone:

And Franken will be fine. He will run again when the hubbub has fully died down, and he will win again, whether or not he has Gillebrand’s support.


I like Franken but he had to go. To Democrats nothing is more important than holding the moral high ground while Trump is in the White House.

It’s fun to praise Sherman because he killed the “bad guys”, but he would be considered a war criminal today. He is responsible for more civilian deaths and stolen and/or destroyed property than any other American general, setting the precedent for the “total war” of the 20th century.

MS is 37% black.

No, it sucks. I’ve been “dispersed” before and I didn’t enjoy it at all.

Brutally attacked? Don’t you think this is a bit of an exaggeration?

As our culture and language evolve, so must we.

This is an interesting case. If he had initially used the six-character abbreviation of the word instead of the six-character word, we wouldn’t even be talking about whether the comment is racist.

Sure thing, Rivers.

Weezer has not been a good band for a very long time. In fact, they have been bad for longer than they were good, and every new album diminishes their legacy.