“I think he did a fine job.”
“I think he did a fine job.”
When asked for comment, Matt Skiba said it was pronounced, “a serious downgrade from the good work I did earlier in my career.”
You’re both right. Watt has more tendrils than a Dutchman’s Pipe. Pretty much everyone I know in the underground rock world has a story about him, and all good.
Big Smooth would have a ball in today’s NBA where stretch bigs rule and defense does not.
I, Dump
Unless you’re in the mountains it’s uncommon, though the rest of the state does get a lot more wintry precipitation than it used to.
Let’s take a moment to remember that the CIA is one of the least trustworthy organizations on the planet, and just because Trump doesn’t trust them doesn’t mean we should.
One of the only things I like about winter is watching native North Carolinians attempt to drive in the snow.
Lorenzo Music, baby! In the pantheon of greatest all time cartoon voice actors with Mel Blanc (duh), Scatman Crothers, and Billy West.
I’m proud to say that because of Garfield I had much more knowledge of Middle Eastern geography than most 8-year-olds did.
Thanks, Bortles.
I would have gone with jabroni, but that’s why I don’t make the big bucks.
And MRA’s wonder why no one wants to fuck them.
Sure, but most trolls would not go to those lengths to bother people. They would just find somewhere else to troll without having to jump through any hoops.
“I was nowhere near as great as everybody knows I was.”
Her voting record, especially considering her background, is disturbing.
Send up the Virtue Signal!
Word Salad Shooter.