I’ve seen better shooting.
I’ve seen better shooting.
I never thought I’d be saying this, but I have come to appreciate Stephen A.’s work.
Has anyone noticed Javale McGee has been playing like a top 10 center?
Will Clark was that for me, a generation later.
Great fundraiser, complete liability in every other aspect of her job.
Lord help us all if China ever imports a sense of ironic fatalism from the Japanese.
The likeness is... uncanny.
Anyone who balks at your analogy is in foul territory.
A big part of this is another common American error: treating substance addiction as a moral failing and not the complex medical condition it really is.
It’s time to make Markelle “Purulent Drainage of Pus” Fultz go viral! Even though it’s usually bacterial!
Bad take.
If you can’t imagine being 6 years old in 1985 it may be difficult to believe this game was creepy as shit.
As a person whose first game system was an Atari 2600 I vehemently disagree.
Watch out for the cops! Their walkie-talkies are lethal!
Has anyone ever tried to make Eraserhead: The Game?
Except, as we saw in 2016, the primary does not always yield the person with the best chance to win the general.
And here’s your precedent, dumbass.
How about we let the constitutional scholars continue to be nearly unanimous in stating the 14th is settled and cannot be changed by executive order, and if we need any advice on exactly how hot the oil should be before the onion rings go in, we’ll call you.
Vote anyway. Show them now many you are. There are no foregone conclusions.