I think Hamilton Nolan should do a weekly write-up.
I think Hamilton Nolan should do a weekly write-up.
Hey, that’s Dr. Cockpunch to you, pal.
Sure, but how many studies actually add to human knowledge and how many are just throwing money in the garbage and only have snark value?
A wasted opportunity. That guy clearly looks more like a paedo than a Jew.
Eisenhower wept.
His catch phrase is, “ZINK ME HARDER!!”
I find your request reasonable and therefore unacceptable.
This particular dumbass is only a part-time (low-quality) troll, and will occasionally say dumb things sincerely, in addition to rare instances of reasoned argument.
I think I may have spotted the problem.
Pardon my French, but are you fucking retarded?
Apathy is contagious.
I live in NC and one of my greatest regrets is not voting in the 2010 midterms because I was disillusioned by the amount of hope and change I experienced after voting for the only presidential candidate I’ve ever been all-in on, Barack Obama.
All the excuses are weak.
Simmons does not need to shoot threes.
2 HOT!
Jerry West wants to punch you in the face right now.
Nice men in white coats will be in to see you shortly.