Plague Lovers

My fandom started circa ‘87. The first moment that stands out in my memory was when Anthony Carter shredded the shit out of the 49ers in the playoffs.

Every great artist experiences ebbs and flows of quality.

Yep, she’s got a bit of that Obama scholarly thing that turns a lot of people off. Plus, she’s a woman, and many men cannot even tolerate the thought of being lectured by a woman. And this isn’t restricted to Republicans.

Yep, this is the rub.

If she really did list her ethnicity as NA on any sort of official form, that’s not cool and she deserves to be called out for it.

I’m starting to think the tomato is Banksy.

No, they should definitely step on the tomato.

Way to read the room, dumbass.

This guy probably thinks there’s nothing funny about farts or dicks, and therefore cannot be trusted.

This is a dumb take.

I like how he uses his truly hideous haircut to mesmerize opponents into thinking he couldn’t possibly be good at basketball.

The only thing that keeps me going after 30 years of horror is masochism. 

Nah, the Vikes kicker as ruiner is played out. Bailey already missed a 28 yarder a couple weeks ago that took me back to 2015 in the worst possible way.

It’s not projection, it is page one in the fascist playbook.

Unfortunately Fox News has made generally reasonable people immune to “I told you so”.

“It seemed like a good idea at the time. I was trying to prevent someone with the brain of a used car salesman and the soul of a jackal from becoming president. Oops!”

These are the same morons that burn shoes they paid $100 for.

How about responding the actual point of the article instead of trolling?