Plague Lovers


Naked Lunch!


George McClellan attempted to roll over in his grave at this grievous insult, and somehow managed to trip over his own feet instead.

Ben Carson can step down from the ledge now.

Well put.

I thought I explained it, but I’ll do so again.

I’m having a hard time imagining a sales meeting, anywhere, that doesn’t suck.

“Liberal fascism” is not something that has ever existed in the world and is relegated to dystopian fantasies.

I get it, you’re 14 and girls don’t like you.

Don’t bother. This kid has the density of a neutron star.

I don’t know who the hell un-greyed you, but they have done us all a disservice. You do not meet the smarts threshold to be a troll worth engaging.

That is remarkably incorrect.

It’s about neither of those things.

Dumbass, gender is not the same as sex. Gender has absolutely nothing to do with biology.

Now playing

I am a longtime fan of Geoff Turner’s bands, though I’ve never seen any of them live.

Sounds familiar.

I’m gonna go ahead and take your word for it.

Where’s Jake the Snake and Hacksaw Jim Duggan when you need them?