
The baby looked more human and less Abbie though. I think they might expand on that next season.

Poor Eugene. I can’t believe his fate in the episode didn’t even warrant a mention.

You’re right, I clearly have martyr complex. Furthermore, I’m 100% certain that Cards fans are WAAAAY better than any other fan....of any sport, not just baseball. Everyone can clearly see that. Beyond that, I’m definitely a douchebag. I’m glad you have a keen eye and can diagnose those attributes.

Thank god he’s with the Cubs now. If he was still a Cardinal the headline would stay at the top of Deadspin for a week and read something like, “Asshole Cardinal Lies. Stares Down Pitcher and Then Denies It”.

I have long thought Eddie McClintock and Owain Yeoman should do a buddy-type series together.

If we are using that criteria to kill things off lets start with you.

Right... gassing.

Given the context, his “emo screams” were pretty appropriate. But if you want to judge the entire series off of 5 minutes 3 seasons in, be my guest.

I just hope they make a shit ton of Dr. Who riffs throughout the series just to hang a lampshade on it.

A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: “The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist,” “Fillings of Passion,” “The Huge Mølars of Horst

Um, yeah. 2061? Hello?! Would be a shame if they skipped ahead to 3001.

apples and oranges

Shoegal, is your internal retention process (i.e. 'let the rep fulfill their job requirements') stated in any customer relationship agreement/document? In other words, where is it stated that a customer must listen to your attempts to retain?


Seriously. Cancelling my accidentally-purchased Amazon Prime membership took less than two minutes and they gave me a full refund (which surprised me — I didn't think I'd get a refund since I was the dumbass who forgot to cancel during the 30-day trial period). Refusing to just let the customer cancel their fucking

I don't envy your job but you might want to rid yourself of the notion that your customers owe you something because you have a shitty job. Your posts make it clear that you think they do. I understand you have bills to pay but a change in mentality might do you some good.

Also Also not my problem. I get that your job sucks. Sorry- I've done shitty sucky jobs for not much money too. But the ends don't justify the means and I refuse to be held hostage by folks with your job. And you certainly won't make me feel guilty if I call to cancel a service I no longer want to spend MY hard