
Unfortunately I've had one like that on one or two occasions. It's so different from what expects when they order the drink, with the fizzy soda making the whole thing taste more like a punch than anything else.

Yeah, the show claims my appreciation for Old Fashioneds for sure. I remember trying to order one at bars during the show's first and second seasons and often being told that these places didn't have the ingredients. But in the time subsequent to that, the rise of a cocktail scene at large means that you can get an

I don't post much anymore but I've carried a torch for this band for such a long time, I'm feeling the urge today.

Saw EITS open for Arcade Fire not long after Arcade Fire had their big Grammy moment and were starting to draw an audience that had otherwise never heard of them before. My friend and I were there for Explosions and didn't really care for Arcade Fire. We ended up leaving just a few songs into AF's set. I think we

Pretty sure Kyle Chandler is not in The Conjuring?

I enjoyed the heck out of that book. I can't recommend it enough.

It shouldn't say "Season 2, Episode 2" up at the front of the review.

Yup, I'd never heard of this until this article and I basically got through it in a couple of evenings this week. Time well-spent.

Agree with you - that's a fantastic episode from start to finish, particularly that ending.

The Hawk Is Howling!

For me, it was The Hawk Is Howling. It was the first one of their albums that I really loved front to back. Until then, I really just listened to scattered songs across all their albums. I know everyone loves Young Team to death but I find that one a little impenetrable.