
Which one had the most fart jokes? That one's my favorite.

But he doesn't have enough winnings to raise awareness for fibromyalgia AND treat CancerAIDS.

The answer goes first, and the question comes after. It's like Jeopardy!

Come for the poutine, stay for the pickled eggs. Cheers, neighbor!

Yeah, the whole street seems extremely flammable. I could see the whole thing going up in flames the way Deadwood would have if HBO had given it the chance. What an odd digression. Is it time to leave work and start drinking at Haymaker yet?

Philly is just Jersey's rectal tumor.
That's not true, but I had fun typing it.

Really? I find his spirituality Disarm-ing.

I burned out fast on the "Ain't Poverty Wacky?" tilt of the early shows. But now it sounds like the family is facing actual hardship rather than contrived, cartoonish obstacles that can be solved with a cutesy scheme pulled off by lovable scamps. Where's a good point to pick the series back up after having muscled

I'd say that about every Screeching Weasel album. I can't listen to any of them straight through without cringing through roughly half the songs.

My dad, Jersey born and Springsteen fed, latched right onto some of those softer, story-telling-y tunes. Something about the Garden freaking State, man…

What really endeared me to Propagandhi was the extended hockey metaphor in "Resisting Tyrannical Government…" Not to mention the final stanza on "biting the hand that feeds." Looking back now, and not having thought about it for a long time, it kind of inspired me to real, meaningful political action. I probably

I like your mom and
it's no fad.
I wanna marry her and
be your dad.

Johnny says he always keep em one turn outa tune.

Mandola's. Mr. Mandola wouldn't be cooking your food, but he's certainly pocketing the profits. Let your conscience be your guide, sir.

The incident actually happened during the soft opening, so whoever was there to eat probably knew the owner anyway. It was unpleasant, but not permanently scarring.
It did turn out to be my last restaurant job. Thought I'd get into a finer place where the drugs and incest wouldn't be so bad. Was just a different

A whip looks complete when the tires say Pirelli.

Urg. It's firmly behind my workplace firewall. Y'all have fun now!

The Valentine's Day menu looks swell. I'll have the lamb.

I filed an assault charge on a tyrant owner/chef who fired me by shoving me from behind the open line, out the door, and calling me a motherf*cker the whole way. He had it in for me after I saw him call a pastry chef a f*g when he was sure nobody else was around. Got his ass into court, but the 5 other employees I

I play it almost every time I see it on a jukebox. More than once someone has come to ask what band that was. Can't ignore such a badass tune for 6+ minutes.