
No, fuck you. I didn’t vote for Trump, but how fucking dare you blame 3rd party voters for this. It is your right to vote for whomever you wish, and if the main 2 candidates aren’t ones you want, it is not just your right but your duty to vote for who you want to see in the office, even if it’s unlikely they will.

The “Nader Effect” is a myth, and even if you gifted Clinton every single Stein vote she still lost by a huge margin.

So, I’m unclear why, but you seem to be laboring under the delusion that I voted for Stein because I felt she had a shot at winning the presidency.

I’m inclined to agree. I don’t know a single Johnson supporter personally who wasn’t a conservative. It’s easy to blame 3rd-party voters for “stealing” votes from the loser, but you’d really need to look into the numbers. And in this case those numbers came from the “R” camp.

I voted for Johnson and there is no way on earth I would have voted for either of them. The Dems are not taking the right lessons from this. They need to take a look in the mirror.

So, what percentage do you think would be appropriate? 5%? 10%? 40%?

Frankly I think ACA needs to be tweaked regardless. 40%+ premium increases in at least 11 states next year and an average increase of 22% across all states is not exactly an optimal healthcare system. “Best of luck” was more an attempt at empathy and civil discourse surrounding an issue that too often lacks such

Don’t ever let someone tell you how to vote. These people have no place, they just didn’t get their way, so they are going to blame everything around them. No one should belittle your vote - everyone in the country gets a voice.

The actual logic was Trump and Clinton are too awful to vote for, I will vote for Johnson. Clinton was not an acceptable choice for a lot of people.

People want someone to blame. They don’t care about facts.

No, the Dems made this possible by nominating the worst Candidate in morder history.

Blaming Johnson for the loss is like a football team blaming there loss on a ref’s bad call while ignoring dozens of missed opportunities they had during the game.

Couldn’t I say the exact same thing about you and “your party”? Also I am an independent.

Or that neither the President nor Congress has the ability to nullify a Supreme Court decision?

You do realize that even if every last Johnson and Stein voter voted for Clinton, we’d still have Trump, right?

You really going to demonize me because I liked neither Trump or Clinton and voted for the Libertarian ticket with the hope of expanding a two party system to add more alternatives? I understand you are demoralized with the results, but these sorts of tantrums and talking in absolutes that condemn people with

People voted for Johnson often because they couldn’t in good faith vote for trump. What you would have to assume is that people would have bit the bullet and flipped R to D if it weren’t for 3rd parties. There’s a bit of evidence for that in that it seems clear that Weld, Johnsons VP, seemed to be a traditional R who

Yeah, I figured he was siphoning off Trump voters.

Seriously? This shit again?

Honest question, what makes you think those votes would have gone to Hillary? The few Johnson supporters I know probably would have gone Trump. But that’s a small sample size so I don’t know what the norm is.