As Jeff Tiedrich’s Twitter said, “The GOP is being forced to carry Trump to term whether they like it or not.”
As Jeff Tiedrich’s Twitter said, “The GOP is being forced to carry Trump to term whether they like it or not.”
No kidding, I wonder what’s corporate thinking not having a full EV version of this beauty?
You really believe taking peoples rights away would somehow be fine with it.
Oh the GOP knew abortion was a big fucking deal. They were counting on low voter turnout, which is how they've won elections in the past.
The only way I’ll believe that they had “no idea” how banning abortion was going to work against them is if they truly believed that four years of MAGA was enough to turn people more conservative and anti-choice.
Just days ago, Gaetz quite literally called Trump “big daddy,” introducing him at a rally stumping for Republicans ahead of the midterms and proclaiming, “It is closing time in these midterm elections and there is no closer in American politics like Big Daddy Don.”
Yeah, no. The Baroness was pretty smart and evil. This woman is just dumb. I’ll give you the physical resemblance though.
“It is also chrome!"
Because The Baroness was fairly competent, wasn’t dirt stupid and not as cartoonishly evil. Also, The Baroness was hot and I’m pretty sure Destro never exposed his penis to minors.
That’s giving Boebert waaaaaaaay too much credit...
Okay taking bets now - what Italian brand was the offending vehicle?
Despite all the unfortunate goings-on for the Trumps this weekend, Maples insists the wedding was a happy, politics-free affair
Almost certainly didn’t know it was there. Most planes have a huge blind spot where the wings are, as well as behind or below the pilot, and it seems that both planes were in their mutual blind spots until it was too late.
Susan Collins somehow managed to survive setting her reputation on fire for Brett fucking Kavanaugh and still got re-elected. Unfortunately not enough people know how much of a role she single-handedly played in killing abortion rights in America.
Musk about to obliterate the 100% speedrun record for “destroy a thriving social media platform”.
Interesting. I will have to watch more Scientology documentaries.
He told Road & Track that he crashes “a car every five years,”
I was going to comment on his video, but that would be rewarding the turd for “engagement.” He’s ignorant. He has no clue what off-roading is. His carbon footprint is almost as big as some African counties when you consider what he bought and destroyed in record time (I can guess how much mining, materials transport, r…