Ben Franklin: Master of Sex and Voodoo

Funny how the people that love to refer to themselves as a “silent majority” are actually a very aggressive, loud, and highly aggrieved-over-nothing minority.

This is a promising sign because it shows they learned nothing from this, and still falsely believe they can win by not having a platform.

Ah the old ‘Stick your fingers in your ears and scream The Star Spangled Banner at the top of your lungs’ defense, eh? Why yes, its not the HUGE wall of opposition from everyone and their dog that you didn’t get your little body control win.....its because no one had the guts to back you publicly.

Hey that’s unfair! Butt plugs have a use and have given a lot of pleasure to people. This chud? Not so much.

He did concede today...however Governor nominee Mastriano has not, despite being curb-stomped by Josh Shapiro.

I remember you. Yeah, fuck off.

Fuck off.

Your story on this site is ever evolving. It's interesting how ever single problem that afflicts a single person in the nation is a problem you personally have. It's almost as if you're not actually who you say you are. 

Honestly, I was sort of looking forward to his triggered spin on all this. But if he’s eating shit alone, I guess that’s okay too.

I’m pissed off the georgia and texas completely acted like georgia and texas.

Dianne Feinstein legitimately seems to have no idea what’s going on and anonymous sources have repeatedly stated her aides are basically propping her up Weekend at Bernies style and no one seems too perturbed about that.

That moment’s definitely coming. I just hope there are no puppies nearby.

Has anyone checked to see if that weirdo obsessed with Fetterman losing who’s been hanging round here the last few days is doing ok?

Can’t wait for this rat bastard to snap and let his mask slip. Go completely ‘my pillow

If people are influenced to vote based on who Katy Perry voted for then.... your country is fucked anyway. Utterly fucked.

I call BS on her story. If she felt that way - decline from the start - don’t back out at the last min after rehearsals.

A gimmick commentor? In this economy?

Thankfully, I am at a point in my life where there is no need for me to spend time in an environment that reduces women.

Melting wax figure of a 1990s two-hit wonder “calls out” one of the most successful people in media history. OK.

Man with pregnancy/breeding fetish who only views women around him as vessels for his sperm supports anti-abortion party.