Ben Franklin: Master of Sex and Voodoo

My favs are Life on Mars? and Quicksand. Kooks is cute sweet that he wrote it for his son. 

some film festival no one cares about

The “film festival no one cares about” is literally one of the biggest film fests in North America.

Tell us more about how the gays have oppressed you.

Yes we are all under the power of Big Gay. Go to bed

some film festival no one cares about

Damn someone’s bitter

I’ve always loved the fact there isn’t a clear, robust consensus over what the best Bowie albums are. Everyone Bowie fan I know, has a different favourite. Even the Stones and Beatles lists will come down to about the same three albums. Bowie made the album he felt like making at the time and over time, appealed to a

There’s literally a whole generation of 70s musicians who could be accused of statutory rape. Eagles, Led Zeppelin, etc. Not condoning it, but it’s weird to point the finger at just David Bowie.

If there is a heaven, she’s up there driving her Range Rover on beautiful country roads with no speed limits.

Now playing

May I present the Alaskan Polar Bear Heater from The Nutty Professor (1963):

Gaiman (as usual) had the best response.

Best take I’ve seen summing up the “outrage”

LOL the raised voice reminds me of the classic Patton Oswalt tweet

This just in: Elon Musk is still a weirdly shaped, up his own ass twatwaffle.

Well, it’s good to see the world isn’t completely backwards then.

Very much a "Nigel Tufnel" character, from what I can tell. 

yes I’ve experienced that stumped silence too and it’s rather insulting LOL. No, I’m not one of you, feel free to arrest ANY Democrat who has committed a crime; however, please keep in mind being an ambitious intelligent woman or black man is not an actual basis for a crime; trafficking underage women for sex,

Right-wing “news” pushes propaganda, not reality. They’re viewers are not the majority and they will be outvoted. However, even rightwingers don’t necessary want abortion completely banned.