Ben Franklin: Master of Sex and Voodoo

Let me know how much a battery replacement is projected to be for your truck again?

Hoult is Renfield is something else. Who knew you could find a guy who can ham it up just as hilariously well to Nic Cage doing Dracula?

Andrew Tate a life changing positive force

I remembered when they first opened before the huge expansion and good god, were they good. The chicken was delectable, they carved it to make the sandwiches and everything was freshly made. I remember their red dill potatoes were probably the best thing I ever ate potato wise at one time.

In order to be done, I would have to actually start. And quite frankly the WB’s Tasmanian Devil made more sense the last time I compared the two.

“Hmm....heaven seems to be rather smoky and smelling of brimstone...”

Good luck there....the way its going if Congress could have kept the corpse of Strom Thurmond in he would still be there stinking up the place even more than before he was alive.

A couple of ex’s decided to hookup for 2 days of mad sportfucking with no strings attached....whoopty do. Hell I spent most of my 20's doing that and have the bite marks to prove it.

That is the true weird pill. How easily they put down the ol ‘Evil Empire’ that the GOP built for decades and were all up on the Putin Train based on Trump’s word.

Jesus, has she ever been able to take a picture where she doesn’t have a 1000-yard glazed doughnut stare?

Why anyone would want to be married into a family of upper class twats is beyond me. 90% of the time its like more trouble than its worth.

I hear he is having problems even with the dough up front because he is guaranteed reputation poison to anyone who values their name for future business. I know....lawyers and reputations sound like oil and water but the legal circles have said a Trump or Trump associate may as well have a ‘do not serve these people’

Dude is fucking pondscum and the day I give a flying fuck about anything he says is the day the world ends.

Chino always has the pervasive stench of a gaseous horse oat-and-apple fart.  Hell probably smells better.

I am knowing fact every time they tried to justify the action like that “They do half the work when at home” bullshit, it becomes the opposite.

Now playing

Gave me vibes of Michael Mann’s old noir thriller Thief

FYI, logorrhea = constant pathological need to talk to almost or total incoherency. Hilarious as its Donald to a T. The dude just keeps repeating the same shit over and over again like a mantra.

Ah Chino.