I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine.
I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine.
Hey when you go up against Dolly, everyone looks bad compared to that angel incarnate.
“But but but.....I am a rich asshole on paper! Aren’t you supposed to say yes to everything I want and kiss my ass while I flaunt your orders to be a petty little shit?”
I believe its one 12 oza can of Vernors to 2-3 scoops of ice cream. Soften the ice cream first then blend.
Women in Green is wondering if he can smell what he is shoveling.
Yep...my mistake. The exact wording is
True its not in stone but as you said, boy would it be a quagmire of arguments if they went through it without the actual conviction.
Its perfectly within their right to do so once convicted. Would be interesting too since of course they would try to sue, go up the ladder and probably hit the Supreme Court who are really not in his favor currently (hilarious since he thinks the noms that got on the bench ‘owed’ him) and this lines up with much of…
The only way Trump weighs 215 is they cut off 2 arms and a leg.
People do realize he is doing this downward face look up thing because he was literally bitching about Fox News using a picture that showed his neck fat/no chin look last week.
Yea I am a quaking in my boots at the thought of Don and Don Jr. ambling their lumpy asses down hallways and peeking around corners finding those pesky ‘deep state operatives’ like the intro bad CBS crime show.
Crucial undecided voter: “Wow who knew that a newspaper printing the first time an ex President ever had to pose for a mugshot would somehow rally me in voting for a douchebag who not only proved he has no platform but his word but 4 years of genuine proof he was unfit to lead a Denny’s off a freeway in New Mexico,…
Honest question: Which province fucks over the indigenous the most? I had a friend from Nova Scotia who said he personally hates his old stomping grounds simply on the amount of outright racism he saw some friends get there.
And because you may need a giggle:
Oofa....yea good call. He is definitely in the realm of the ‘stab the underbelly and twist variety’ with his barbs. Between him and Christie, Ron is gonna be feeling the heat.
Ron’s victory parades of his ‘strength’ in Florida were VERY carefully built to be as smooth as churned butter. No possible opposing reporters in the pits, no allowances of questions he didn’t plan for, quick in and out and possibly one of his open mouthed laughing opportunities and that’s it. Very controlled to not…
These shitheads look at The Handmaid’s Tale like an instruction sheet to assemble furniture from IKEA.
Try and take a shot each time LGBTQ gets blamed for everything from sex crimes to soggy Rice Krispies. I give you 10 minutes before lapsing into a coma.
“You people are making it simply impossible for me to cash this check from the NRA.....” - some GOP douche.