Ben Franklin: Master of Sex and Voodoo
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Always a big fan of new countries getting into the new frontiers.

Well said!

Now playing

The comparison wasn’t just my invention either. Spitting Image figured it out a while back too and its stuck in my brain since then:

Wow, a bloated ass old white guy with a holier than thou attitude forcing his will on the populace takes a victory lap when his puts his thumb down on shit he doesn’t have any right to be talking about, much less crowing about?

God I detest JK. She is a prime example of believing your own hype makes you think you are right about everything. Yea, you wrote some books that gripped young readers. Yea it was awesome that you introduced fantasy in a great way to a bunch of people who may have disdained it before. And you made an metric assload of

Let the trumpets sound!

Took a patented Sarah Sanders play right out of the playbook with that bullshit. Remember her sighs and eye rolls as she explained away yet another Trump twittershits in the middle of the night like she was a knowitall condescending teacher talking to a student?

Ive always pictured him as one of the background mannequins from classic Twilight Zone Episode The After Hours.

It’s a real head scratcher honestly. If you went back to the beginning of the whole shitcake, he wasn’t making any roads to running despite media pressure. Then he did and immediately shit the bed and has continued to shit the bed significantly ever since.

Knowing Ted, he called them something like ‘denim slacks’.

Not too mention that vacant, Stepford Wives like stare with the overtly bright pearlies.

Yea well if it were my sister, the right hook to the jaw would have been all the response to the excuse he would have gotten. And as one who literally was on her receiving end of one (No, just from MMA speed pad session and a mistimed combination on both our parts), boy howdy she would have solved this douche’s

Believe me I was like you with a ‘Bleh, Sizzler?’ until the wife strong armed me into going - Heck I went in going ‘its gonna suck’ and making her promise to not get mad when I said “I told you so”. And I was wrong. It was really like it was way before they really expanded....good cuts of meat, really fresh salad bar,

And in case you were wondering:

The owner of the coolest hacker bolthole in existence.

DeSantis is a such a dumbshit. He literally caters to the big donors yet can’t for the life of him differentiate himself enough to show the cliched man of the people slop they try to pull. Then he ltries to torpedo the one big ass donor he absolutely would need in his home state for the people but does it so badly he

Depends on where you go. There is one near me that it literally a block from their corporate offices and its delicious.

Didn’t see his name in the feed for 24 hours.....