De La Mancha

There is nothing about a discount in ‘Discount Tire’ It is by far the most expensive place to buy tires.

There is nothing about a discount in ‘Discount Tire’ It is by far the most expensive place to buy tires.

Here is my advice:

This. Many times. I am currently driving one, as my car is in the shop. Goddamn awful.

Not true.

Nobody asks that...

Not true.


Texting and driving...

They make a lot of money, these AS/400 guys...



Give it time, grasshopper...

Not likely. US sits on more oil than Saudi Arabia...

If the cops have lasers, you do not snatd a chance...

Dumbass. :)

I’m 6'4" and those things look on me like metal underware... That is if I can fit in one... So, no, I do not want one...

They are not garage queens for the reson that Commodore parts are galore there... Here try finding parts for the beloved G8... You need to wait until some shmluck totalled his.

And they were caught with Chevy SSes (Caprices)...

That is a Pontiac G8 chasing the plane...
