
What a garbage list

nope, 200 on a tshirt is perfectly acceptable... theres some stupid stuff on kotaku but this is up there with the best.

you’re insufferable

can we stop saying latinx already. as a mexican american who lives in a predominately hispanic neighborhood, its always funny to all of us by how stupid it is. we dont use that terminology. also who cares, why does everyone need to be feel included constantly. does know one have anything better to do? the movie sucked

4ft, sorry. still useless. “comfortable holds 3 bags of fertilizer AND a six pack of diet coke.”

why even get a truck if the bed is like 3ft? this seems to be for people who like the idea of a truck but no real use for it, like you apparently.

why anyone would pay for more pairs of joycons is beyond me. they still havent fixed the drifting issue and it WILL happen to your next pair. 

ugh, what a clickbaity article filled with common sense. so to get a screener i need to be a recognized reviewer or a recognized blogger, got it. ill just go back to pirating. thanks for the bullshit article. my 7 year old could have come up with this information. is this what it takes to be a tech “journalist” these

most of the books I was assigned for my MFA and PhD.” ok ok we dont need your humble brag. he sucks, we know this. no one cares about you fine arts degree

what a shitty headline. this pc costs almost 3 times the amount of MSRP of a 3070. they’ll be back in stock eventually just hold tight. also dont listen to sites called the inventory that are just ads but more personable

what a shitty headline. this pc costs almost 3 times the amount of MSRP of a 3070. they’ll be back in stock

why dont you just tell us the games instead of making watch a fuckin slideshow with ads sprinkled in you donut

should rethink that top picture....

late to the game on this one. this was on reddit weeks ago. im guessing thats why you guys are just now reporting on it... 

ok, so i ordered from this place last night because my son loves burgers and wanted to get it. it was terrible. the burger was not good and the bun was almost wet. the fries were cold and seemed microwaves but their mushiness. super disappointed that i paid for this at all let alone how much it cost (not cheap). ya

definitely wouldnt trust you for drill recommendations

definitely wouldnt trust you for drill recommendations

how can you justify your paycheck by writing this drivel? serious question.
you arent a good writer and dont have anything interesting to say. you write for a gaming focused website but complain about holes.. kotaku sucks and you helped contribute to that.

the asian man doesnt work for river trading post. he owns a condo in the building. that poor business is getting tons of phone calls and comments on their yelp and other review pages.

did she drug and rape dudes

of fuck off with this. its been 4 years of shit from this asshole. ever heard “you reap what you sow”

who gives a fuck..... buy the game, dont buy the game. quit fucking crying about it.  this is tiring.