@ding-dang: No... We lost 2-1.
@ding-dang: No... We lost 2-1.
@NorwoodIsMyHero: I think what Skyman is trying to say is that this "computer graveyard" is not full of gifted computers, but (literally) gifted trash - so far as i can tell from the commentary in the photo-album. He's saying (and i agree) implying that the people are tearing apart working computers for scrap is far…
Even the pictures give me an adrenaline rush. Dibs on the first ride?
@metronome49: I got an Eris in December, it was outdated by May, and i can't upgrade for another year and a half. We got 2.1, what, 2 months ago. And the Eris will never see 2.2. So look on the bright side bud, at least you're on the list :-)
@Roybeez: As an Android Phone owner, I feel reasonably safe that I shall be spared. I feel sorry for my iFriends. :-(
@abates25: actually- i could use a good reason to start using Google Wave again. here's hoping.
@RuBBa_cHiKiN: North Gizmodo is Best Gizmodo: I'd buy you a k-car, a nice reliant automobile.
@Incoherent: precisely.
@Crowbot: is there another way to do it?