Um, are you implying that 50% of the population is severely mentally disabled or currently in a coma? Because that's the only way this statement makes any sense.
Um, are you implying that 50% of the population is severely mentally disabled or currently in a coma? Because that's the only way this statement makes any sense.
Can we also teach "It's OK if you don't have a partner" while we're at it? I can get behind the overall sentiment here, but "The most important decision you'll make is who you marry" implies that everyone is going to get married and that's not terribly productive. The message should be "You don't have to get married,…
This is a brilliant strategy, because without Cosmo teenage girls will have virtually no way to access explicit information about sex. Unless there was some way for them to access this information other than in magazines, like on their computers or something. . but we are decades away from THAT kind of technology!
Oh god, I remember this dumb shit from Political Science classes. They'd be like "OK, there's two farmers and they have to drain this swamp, but neither of them will go drain the swamp because they think if THEY do it the other farmer will get free dry-swamp, and they would rather wait out the other farmer to do it…
Well, duh. Women are terrible at math and science!
I saw this headline and was kinda hoping it was just part of some kind of contest to craft the most depressing headline in history.
They asked her if they could say she wore it dancing with girlfriends, and she replied "No, I haven't received the dress". That's pretty explicit. And she said "sure" when they asked if they could say she PLANNED to wear it out dancing etc, not that she had worn it.
Huh. I always assumed I eat crappier when I sleep less because when I didn't get much sleep I'm also usually hungover. Live and learn.
I'm gonna have to be a mensch and admit that I don't go to Starbucks and it is definitely out of overt elitism. Because Starbucks is fucking terrible coffee.
I was in France for the first time recently, and I kept bracing myself for these 'tiny portions' everyone talks about. . .but they never came. I always got about the same amount of food I get in American restaurants. I mean, I'm a Brooklyn hipster doofus so I probably eat at more trendy-healthy-local places than the…
Reason #2838249 I'm not going to law school. I'd forward this link to my Grandma if she knew how to check her email.
Er, could this be a reverse correlation? 'Cause personally, the only time my sexuality has been even remotely fluid is when I've been abusing alcohol.
. . .I wonder what it means that I think I would probably say that in the course of a normal week.
Ugh, I HATE the 'all men cheat' people. It's just something that people who cheat say to justify it. But they can't be argued with because when you say you know many men who don't cheat they just say "as far as YOU know". UGH.
I am kind of jealous of the writers at Jezebel; I think it would be really fun if a large part of your job was to find ways to make people really, really mad.
I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, it is likely true for a lot of women that crying at work might hold back their advancement and cause people to respect them less. On the other hand- it's bullshit that that's the case. And I'm really not a fan of advice for women in the workplace that basically amounts to…
Oh, gross.
I dunno, someone pointed that out to me too recently. I thought the 'scar' was metaphorical (he has a background of being super emo so that's an easy assumption to make) but 'My seat's been taken by some sunglasses asking about a scar' sure makes it sound literal. I dunno- my feelings are mixed now too.
OMG. I did not know the Fun/ex-Format guy looked like that. So pretty.