Judge Smales

No, I’m complaining that the MSM is complaining about Trump and never did once about Obama. Double standard.

Ya, assuming he plays year round and takes 4 hours. Trump is known for fast rounds while obama takes 6 hours. Redo your math.

Ok. That’s true. I can admit when I’m wrong, but shit it hurts.

Honestly, because I don’t know his.

No. I’m not suspicious at all. Here’s a wild thought: maybe he goes to the golf course to stay away from the media!! I know. Crazy. But I, too, go to the golf course to get away.

Ah, tha race card. Another libtard go-to.

I’m merely pointing out that Trump’s golf “hobby” is no more and no less meaningful than Barack Hussein Obama’s. So if a hack site is going to bash Teump for playing golf, I have every right to do so with Obama.

Please then explain how Obama’s golf is less offensive than Trump’s. Where was the outrage when Obama went on his golf binges?

But this wasn’t. Good call.

Mainstream Media.

30? Really? 30? Even this scab article says once every 5 days!!! I see you use typical double standard, libtard math. Well done.

333 rounds is fact, not MSM conjecture. That’s like saying, “The same MSM that told you that Ted Williams hit exactly .406?”

I love how MSM is a sham and you flaming liberals take it as gospel.

Where was the article expressing the outrage of Obama playing 333 rounds during his tenure? Liberal hacks...

Am I the only one that thinks Kevin Love’s pass is far more impressive than Lebraawwwwwwn’s lucky shot? Two handed CHEST pass 85 feet dead ass on the money. And Lebron wants to trade Love for a guy who hasn’t made a pass in five years.

You’re right. I’m a dipshit. My apologies. But I wasn’t insinuating the Soofi was the victim, rather, just another witness. Either way, I’m wrong. Must be that Kansas education...

Hey, Mohawk. Guy here. Assuming the runaway child reports are related, and let’s be real here, how many missing child reports are there at 4:00 am in Larryvile, KS, you, sir, are wrong.

Is the fact that one of the witnesses is the same female that falsely accused Carlton Bragg of domestic assault not worthy enough for print?!?