
On August 2, 1907, I encountered the most threatening sight I ever saw in the ball field. He was a rookie, and we licked our lips as we warmed up for the first game of a doubleheader in Washington. Evidently, manager Pongo Joe Cantillonof the Nats had picked a rube out of the cornfields of the deepest bushes to pitch

Sandy Koufax was the prototype.

Nolan Ryan and Randy Johnson weren’t human they were some kind of machines designed for pitching

Dammit. Now I absolutely want a Directors Cut with Ron Howard narrating everything they do mere seconds before they do it.

Han: “Okay Chewie, we’re going back to Tattooine, we’re paying Jabba back, and we’re going to keep a very low profile and not get into trouble.”

An infographic of the various players would be nice...

It’s like if the rules for the board game Clue stated that the game ended when all of the facts (criminal, location, and weapon) were revealed, but you weren’t allowed to state them together in a declarative sentence. In fact, if you did, you’d be automatically disqualified and then publicly raked over the coals by a

Well, lousy management/marketing/PR has been the biggest problem. They’ve conceded the baseball legacy market in Chicago to the Cubs and never tout their own long history. For better or worse (mostly for better) the Cubs have made their long history a constant part of their marketing, to great effect. The Sox,

Let’s hear them!

Seriously, is there any other team in baseball with the White Sox lengthy history AND their level of general disregard. I mean, every other team that’s been around for a bazillion years in the same city gets SOME level of respect. But the White Sox... the baseball world is like, meh. I’m a Sox fan and can’t quite

For a people who simply cannot believe Russians hacked the United States during the election, Republicans sure do blame all their online faux pas on hackers a lot.

Apparently the owners of the window company said on a Cleveland radio show this morning that one of them didn’t want to buy insurance on the promotion because it cost $75k but the other convinced him it was worth it. Dodged a bullet there.

Don’t get your hopes up. Mac Mini barely sells, and the consumer market for desktop computers (outside of professional workstations) is drying up in favor of laptops and mobile devices anyway.

At least he gets all the free shoes he wants.

Huh. I’d’ve guessed hepatitis.

Reminds me of a joke I heard which went like this:
Q: What do you get if you drive through Tallahassee real slow?
A: A degree from Florida State

Also serves as a “Let’s remember some guys” post.

To be slightly fair to Canseco... while Canseco managed to look way, way, way dumber and ridiculous on this play, it’s actually probably in reality a less dumb play. Canseco clearly lost the ball in the lights while tracking the ball, and the ball unfortunately bounced off his head just right. It’s a confluence of

I’ve been in coaching (different sport) my entire professional life. This kind of thing is why most coaches I know have a slightly weird, very solo hobby - whittling miniture furniture, homebrew potato vodka, etc. You have to do something that nobody else can fuck up, because the players you work with every day, no