I’m not a health food person, and I’m noever gonna avaoid something tasty becasue it’s a little fattening.
I’m not a health food person, and I’m noever gonna avaoid something tasty becasue it’s a little fattening.
Jesus, it’s like a downgrade.
I’m just more baffled the vertical stand is a separate purchase now.
shrinkflation strikes again
The real news is that they’ve bumped the price lol. Ridiculous. Man I wish y’all would start buying Xboxes so that Sony would stop with this nonsense so frequently.
The older I get the angrier at get at superhero movies and such like this where they are depicted destroying people’s vehicles. Like that’s some people’s entire livelyhoods and ability to get to work etc, and superdouche decides to just pick it up and chuck it at some supervillain that isn’t even phased by it and now…
Cannot recommend that Falcons history enough
Loved trashing my ‘05 Mazda 3s manual hatch all over the place for 7 years. Great little car.
Haven’t you ever heard of a product called “Goo Gone”? They sell it at hardware stores. It works pretty well.
Sure, but the wind blowing in the garage is bringing a lot of fresh air with it. It’s detached, so nothing ‘s going into the house.
You’ve probably got relatively not so harmful exhaust compared to the old days.
BRB, going to GameStop to buy a used copy of one of those Burger King games for the Xbox 360.
Thanks for the links, that clears the air on that pretty well.
One old wives tale I have always heard is to not turn on the air nozzle above my seat because it’s essentially blowing any airborne contagions that other passengers may exhale (or cough or sneeze) into the cabin.
You know what you have to do! Do it Rockapella!
I’d love to see how this stacks up against the Mazda3. Because the thing about the Mazda, while there’s no explicitly named Enthusiast Version, is that it IS the Enthusiast Version. You’re down about 17 hp, opting for the Grand Touring trim with the 184 hp 2.5. You also get a GOOD 6-speed manual transmission. No…
I wish Apple would allow Blockers to be used by other apps besides Safari.
I find popping it in the toaster oven and just toasting cold pizza works great.