
Dude is getting his ass kicked and his life bar just doesn't seem to go down past half. Then at the end it refills to full! These street fighters are tough sons of bitches.

@GregorMendel: Brilliant! And that was just for a suppository.

@MaNiFeX: Agreed, I had to buckle and buy ATT's microcell. It works okay, not perfect by any means. But really, if you have bad signal they have you in a box. Totally stinks.

@effoffpunk: Did you play Fallout 3? Did you get your money's worth out of it? You have valid points, but I would be hard pressed to say that quality and quantity was lacking in Fallout 3. I completely agree that games that come with the content already on it, or hold back content from the disc is shady, but I don't

@Altima NEO: All month long! Outrageous! (Why can't I superscript text to show high talking?)

@wjbean: Yes, it was fun and could have been worse... it could have been Bicentennial Man. :-)

@wjbean: True, the laws are there, but they really turned it into a hardcore action flick. If you read the I, Robot screenplay from 2004, you'll really see what the movie should/could have been.

@blackanvil: Exactly, I had high hopes, but it failed on so many levels. @wjbean: True, the laws are there, but they really turned it into a hardcore action flick. If you read the I, Robot screenplay from 2004, you'll really see what the movie should have been.

@Katinedinburgh: Having read literally all of the Asimov robot books, I can say I was very excited for Bicentennial Man, as the book is very good. The movie however is beyond terrible and *spoiler* - at the end of the movie the robot breaks the first rule by killing a human! I wanted to jump through the movie screen

@Mariblanka: How the hell did that happen?

@Flss: Great find!

@HDCase: Exactly, or any kind of nuts. I get the point of the video, but at the end of the day it's meaningless.

@hostile-17: I used to use RedLaser, it's a solid app, but usually I just go to the Amazon app and do a search. RedLaser doesn't show Amazon results either.

Old I know, but I'm ruined everytime I see it now.

I buy only SquareTrade warranties. I've also collected on one for a Garmin GPS unit as well. A slight error with an email, but other than that, I got what I paid for the unit plus 5% since I got it as a Amazon Gift Card. I love it, and they almost always have coupons. Be sure to keep your receipt though, you have to

Now playing

That was pretty good. Here is a parody of "Business Time" from FOTC.

@PoweredByHentai: Nice find. MediaMolecule may respect them, but Sony sure doesn't.

@SethThresher: Exactly what I was thinking. And where the heck are they anyway? It looks like they're skydiving. I guess they must be skiing with helmets.