
Masters 1000 are good to win, but they aren’t much different from all the other tournaments

3rd article isn’t a study, and it’s from the Washington Times, which is closer to Breitbart than it is to WaPo (or any respectable daily)

“I’m glad he’s pro-child labor, because that’s probably what’s helping to build the new stadium.”

Chris, you punted. It’s not like we’re debating astrophysics with Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

I can’t speak for her, but IME (born in Boston, now a Canadian), if I get to talk about my upbringing, I’l tell you how racist it was. But if YOU tell me how racist my city is (especially my sports teams...I know, I know), I’ll get incredibly defensive.

I’ll be the first of many (4? 5? How many would be too offensive?) Canadians to pipe in. We admit it, Milos is boring as hell, like watching maple syrup drip down the tree in November in Gatineau. Bon chance, El Shapo.

As a Canadian who hasn’t watched a single minute of CFL in the past 10 years, I couldn’t be prouder of a league I couldn’t care less about.

“...the Washington, DC-based Metro Industrial Areas Foundation represented locally by a group calling themselves the “Greater Cleveland Congregations” (GCC)...”

Apples just came into season in the PNW. I don’t see how Amazon gets credit for that, unless they can deliver the weather.

Awesome attitude. But I fixed one small typo for you: “You know what this article did. It reminded me of how awful our fans are sometimes.”

For all the reunions this season provided, none were particularly satisfying. The most extended ones I suppose were during the Seven Samurai (and extras who will die) marching north of the wall scene. And the Cleganes which was pretty weak. Tyrion and Bronn were great in limited time, and most of the rest were too