Here is an image of the Fur-RAPTOR after an 8mph crash into a curb:
Here is an image of the Fur-RAPTOR after an 8mph crash into a curb:
And this people is why we cant have nice things. When it started Uber was a side gig for people that already have jobs to make a few bucks on the side. Then a bunch of people decided to do it full time and bitch about how the system doesn’t work as they assume it should. Uber/Lyft didnt do anything to discourage this…
I’ve posted this once before here, but it bears another mention.
I’ll give you that. But neither can hold a candle to the 300ZX.
I have long dealt with having to limit the size of my collections of various objects, so Ron’s story hits home with me. In so many ways I feel bad for him. It has to hurt to see these vehicles go away..
Just when I think you couldn’t possibly be any dumber...
Speaking of fat boys and memorable movie vehicles, this hog gets 70 MPG.
That’s just Dexter’s version of antifreeze. I think it is called Dex-cool.
Fiero GT.
I was with you on the first two, but the 300zx lost me, especially that tail. With some body re-work it’d look fantastic, but as-is yeecchchh
has anyone take the time to read her last name and the fact that she is Lithuanian? so everyone here is aware what is, what is not considered offensive in Lithuania?give me a break are you aware of every country sensibilities? she is not exagerating or making fun of any feature in other words white people stay away…
Just cause someone gets offended, does not mean they are right.
No, she can’t do that. If she just wear clothes it will be whitewashing .
That’s not a TIE Fighter. It’s a picture of the 3019 Mustang at a Cars and Coffee meet on Tatooine.
I mean I can be mad at George Zimmerman being found innocent, hundreds of cops not facing any murder charges, and still think that Jussie was guilty and deserved jail time. It’s not all mutually exclusive.
I immediately thought of KoЯn.
I’m disgusted, this money could have been spent on football.
Imagine a world where you’d get equally pissed about Groundskeeper Willie.
Can’t believe Bart is going to say the “N” word during a heated gaming moment on The Simpsons.
It's super hip to hate AB. And Sam knows from hip - he spent the first five years of his life in Manhattan.