Kia Sedona
Kia Sedona
OK, I can’t be the only one that sees that color and shape and thinks of the Mercedes C111:
yeah see, that’s not how things work. You can’t just go way down the line and blame people and things for what happened. Might as well blame the driver’s parents for giving birth to them at this point.
yeah 6000k-6500k for me. Looks pure white, or pure daylight to me. I can’t stand that 5000k has become the new “daylight” and you can’t hardly find that temperature in stores anymore. Back in incandescent days, I always got those reveal bulbs, that were probably in the 4000k range. I can’t stand LED’s that are…
My Subaru SVX I bought from a guy had the head lights done in yellow with a sort of thin clear yellow film. Had to fix that shit quick.
Probably my favorite game from the original NES. And always underrated and rated too low on top NES game lists. I’d say I’ve played it all the way through probably 20 times.
Slightly related, but timely:
keep your fantasy racism at home and to yourself where it belongs. Dude had a gun, was trying to pull the gun out on the cops, got shot for it. Open and shut case.
Fisker Karma? :Yawn: Or... or... how about...
So what’s your (or other Jalops) opinion on trying to rebuild/repair an automatic transmission yourself?
My 7'3" Half Orc once died because I kept failing a climb check on a 4 foot wall. My climb and dexterity rating was extremely high, but I just kept rolling 1's and 2's. To make matters worse, I could have taken a few turns to go the long way up a ramp, but my dumb Half-Orc was determined to climb that 4 foot wall.…
I’m all about quirky.
Was on the road, couldn’t look, and was hoping maybe with new version a AWD option would have come about.
What drive is it? FWD or RWD, and will there be a AWD option?
Well yeah, but they were nothing like the concept.
I’d love to see an article of the coolest concept cars that actually COULD have been made, and should have been made. None of the goofy, full glass canopy, or bubble cockpit nonsense that upon first viewing you know for a fact will never become a real thing.
I’ll take a modern day Javelin any day:
Except there are laws around how guns can be used, and law abiding gun owners respect them. Your analogy is akin to it being illegal to shoot your neighbor over a lawn mowing dispute. Just like cars, there are ways the VAST majority of fun owners abide by for safe gun ownership and use.
They get alot of attention, and aren’t as bad as some people make out. Pretty much any fast food fits through the window, and it mostly allows you to drive in the rain while the windows are all the way down. Sitting at a stop sign or red light during heavy rain with some wind of course will let rain in, but while…