Kentucky area? You keep your hands off it, I want it! Even though I don’t have the money for it at all right now.
Kentucky area? You keep your hands off it, I want it! Even though I don’t have the money for it at all right now.
22,400 miles, but only $14k:
I will say, depends on price. $25-$40k price range on a Sports Car, 335hp is fine. When you start getting into $50k+ prices for a Sports Car, I’d expect more.
Ah good ol Harbor Freight. Coming from a friend that works on alot of cars, the one thing that he refuses to get cheap is a Torque Wrench. That being said, just about every single one of my tools is Harbor Freight. There’s also varying degrees of quality amongst the different harbor freight tools of any particular…
Not my story, but my late fathers. One of the few stories he told about his time in the Marines during Vietnam.
They were stationed in I believe it was Okinawa at the time, and one of his fellow marines owned a nice big 70's era convertible. They were cruising down a dirt road that was frequented by lots of villagers…
On the bright side, it’s a good learning experience for bicyclists. Eat shit once crossing over a rail track, you’ll know to make adjustments in future rail crossings.
Our old mantra with friends, back in the day mind you, was “Keys wallet pager.... wallet pager keys”, rolled off the tongue nicely. It eventually included “phone” in the mix once we all got cell phones, and then eventually got rid of the pager of course.
You guys should really turn this into a Lifehacker post. I’ve had good luck using services like AAA, or more particular with Verizon Wireless I have their Roadside Assistance which is $3, and have often used them to tow away my un-driveable purchases for free.
Not sure about AAA, but with the Verizon one, they just…
New S2000? Boring. If we’re going to talk about a MidEngine car, Whattabout that new MR2?
You could almost write an entire article on how amazing the final battle was.
welcome to Gawker Media, or whatever they are called now. If they have gone more than 3 days without a Uber hate article, then there must be something wrong. They’re like ravenous pack wolves whenever any tiny bit of negative Uber news crosses their paths.
I think a fun Jalopnik game could be had here. If the characters were cars, what would they be? Maybe even find their counterpart on Craigslist. I’ll start. For John Snow I went with years 1975-1988 and the color black. Tried to find something that can still be a bit sleek with some vroom vroom, but has been well…
It also rains just about everywhere. Once you daily drive an AWD car it’s hard to go back.
Get you some old Muscle:
1968 Buick Skylark Covertible $5500
I’d say if you’re out in the middle of nowhere, and you shit your pants, and all you have is Armor All wipes to cleanup with. Yeah it’s no doubt happened.
Saw the article, and then saw this on my local Craigslist: