Paco Deth

Only the game that would guarantee the best turn around!

Since he mentioned bloodied hands, figured I’d put my two cents in here.

If you really wanna see interesting, head on over to the LoversLab website, which hosts the stuff too racy for the mod nexus websites. You’ve been warned!

Was a great game, I still have the original box around here somewhere.

I was just recently trying to sell a 2003 Subaru Baja (sold now thankfully!). It’s a 12+ year old car, with 130k miles on it, and this guy comes and complains about the dent in the bumper, a hole in the passenger seat cloth about the size of a pen body’s diameter, and a small piece of missing plastic trim on the

Words cannot express enough how much I hate Woody Station Wagons. I dunno if I could drive from all the vomiting I would be doing having to sit in one:

Was my sentiment exactly. I think the only saving grace during the mid 70’s were the Datsun cars. And interesting decently performing cars didn’t start showing back up until the mid 80’s.

1974.. emissions and global oil crises turned those bad ass 300hp muscle cars all into 140hp V8’s sad boxes.

Similar thing happened to me at a Wal-Mart for an oil change (yes I know). So I had an old 2003 Subaru Baja I was looking to sell, was in a hurry, so decided to just let Wal-Mart do the cheapo oil change on it cause it was past due.

Is there a specific date to this? Or am I going to have to go into Target every single day next week to check? And hopefully Target has put restrictions on how many you can purchase, and whether employees can buy any. Heck I remember working retail (good ol CompUSA) and constantly being barred from buying exclusive

and $38,000 is absolutely insane for a Bricklin. Maybe $15k for a primo low miles one. $10k will normally get you a well running not bad shape one.

This actually would have been one of my suggestions, but I know Doug wouldn’t do it. I think it would be nice, instead of one big expensive car, if he would get 3 or 4 oddball cars to alternate through for a year.

I’m a bit confused by it all though. Was the car going so fast that the kittens inside a cardboard box got torn to pieces? Seems unlikely, the thought of it unless they were run over or hit by several cars in the meantime. I just wonder if they were already torn to shreds and mutilated before the box was tossed into

Alright Doug, I’m hoping you will see this if I drop it here. A handful of options.

Which is why I’m sad Jalop hasn’t accepted my suggestion of adding this car to the Nice Price or Crack Pipe :(

if it’s gonna be a Lancia, my vote is for a Stratos (provided he can find one), heck he found a Skyline!

1967-1969 Pontiac Firebird 400ci