Next they need to add passwords to the profiles, and give each profile seperate Instant Queue's and previously watched lists that are private for each profile.
Next they need to add passwords to the profiles, and give each profile seperate Instant Queue's and previously watched lists that are private for each profile.
Notice that number he ended on? He's the devil!
I did overnight baking at Panera for about 4 months, probably the worst job of my life. Part of it sucked because you are constantly sweating standing in front of open over, then many nights you are lucky to even get a 15 minute break during an 8 hour shift. But it's the isolation that's the worse.
I was once asked in an interview whether I had ever pirated anything for which I answered freely. Of course I had, I was a mid twenties I.T. person, anyone my age and in my field would be lying if they had said no.
I'd argue for Quake 2 instead of Quake 1. Quake 2 really brought multiplayer to the forefront and had some of the greatest player created mods.
So the real question is... is that eye on Beib's "stroking" arm? I mean, that'd be damn weird to have your moms eye staring at you while you did your manly business.
Is it just me or does the BF3 music also sound a bit like the theme to the Terminator movies?
Or short for "Willie-Nillie"
This was a few years ago mind you, but a decent sized hospital chain I used to work for (some 13 hospitals accross 2 states) was still doing the brunt of their accouting/billing/finance work on an old Unisys Mainframe from the 70's. Used the Unisys ascii OS and stored data on tapes that were 210mb in size and about…
I've always used for hosting. Super cheap, like $12/year hosting and no 1yr trial price or anything.
I've always used for hosting. Super cheap, like $12/year hosting and no 1yr trial price or anything.
Heck I'm still running GeForce 260ti's and can play any game at max settings on 1920x1080 with no issues. Back when I was upgrading my machine I was looking at video cards to see what new stuff was out there that was better than the one I had (and of course, faster). Had no interest in spending $200+ just to get a…
He could be like me and simply have their Wii stolen by a POS drug addict. Lost quite a bit of money in downloaded games.
Cockroaches? pfsht, lame. Try working at a service department, and having someone bring in a PC that is overheating. Only to find out when you take one of the doors off, you find it's infested with a crap ton of spiders and pretty much the entire inside engulfed in webbing. These were some nasty big spiders too.
With regards to the idea of people getting wings and feathers n such in the future. All I gotta say is, Dolphinoplasty, it's bad, don't do it!
One thing that annoys me, and many media continues to overlook, is that in most of the games you are playing the "hero". You play as the good guy, the savior, the one that saves the damsel in distress, or rescues the kidnapped children, or protects the nation or world from a rogue terrorist cell or a madman bent on…
I can second that, could make a much better cutting block, in use and in looks for much less. Don't do them anymore, too boring. Mainly do bottle stoppers and pens these days.
I'd argue any of the many posts about gun control should have been on this list.